In 1931, Harriet got her two-year teaching certificate from Keene Normal School, which is now called Keene State College. And over the years, she took classes part-time at the University of New Hampshire. But Harriet stopped going to school in 1971 when she retired from teaching, and she never bothered to check if she had enough credits to get her bachelor's degree. Well, it turns out she did. And on Friday, Harriet finally received her diploma. Then on Saturday, she died. According to Harriet's daughter, Marjorie, quote, "She had what I call a 'bucket list,' and that was the last thing on it."
...and the moral of the story.... it's okay to DREAM, but don't actually do anything to FULFILL your dreams.... or you'll die...
...that is all....
...or, alternately, as soon as your bucket list is empty, you'll kick it...