It could be said that I am not above a little shameless self-promotion in much the same way that the ocean is not above the sky. So in that spirit, I'd like to pass along what I feel to be exciting news in the world of "me"...
As you may know, I was a professional musician long before I ever got involved in radio, and last year, after a nearly two-decade hiatus from the Saint John music scene, I got a band together. "The Accidental Legends" played a couple of dozen gigs last year at various venues, including playing for the 10,000 folks who showed up at the New River Beach Sand Sculpture Competition, and a set at Big John's "TrailerStock '09" during our Food Drive before Christmas. We made lots of friends, and even a couple of fans! Unfortunately, late last year we had some personnel issues and had to take a break to work in a new member.
Well, now, we're BACK! The Accidental Legends play their comeback gig at KV Billiards Saturday, March 13th, with brand new guitarist Jeff Scott!! You may have seen Jeff playing with "Class of '85" at various venues, including a set at "TrailerStock" (Class of '85 will still be playing, btw!) You may also remember Jeff as the Runner-Up in our Halloween costume contest a couple of years back, with an AMAZING Gene Simmons costume!
You can check out "The Accidental Legends" on our facebook page HERE! HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL OUT to catch the new lineup, with a few new tunes and all the old favourites!!
Meantime, here's a little video of the LAST time we were at the Billiards with the OLD lineup... our VERY FIRST public appearance...
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