According to the researchers, a person's morality center can be manipulated with powerful magnets, disrupting their normal brain activity and making them temporarily LESS MORAL.
For example, in one study, test subjects were asked how they'd feel if a man allowed his girlfriend to cross a bridge he knew was unsafe. Normally, subjects rated the man's behavior as unacceptable. But after getting the magnetic pulse, they saw nothing wrong with the guy's behavior because the woman didn't get hurt. That was basically the study's main finding: After being subjected to the magnetic pulse, NOTHING was rated as morally unacceptable, as long as things ended well.
A woman named Dr. Liane Young led the study. She says, quote, "You think of morality as being a really high-level behavior. To be able to apply a magnetic field to a specific brain region and change people's moral judgments is really astonishing." In other words, no matter how good a person you think you are, your brain can be manipulated with just a few stupid magnets to make you a total jerk.
...so, honey... next time I act like an ASS, I'm blaming all those magnets you put on the fridge...
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