Not only did Canada have our best-ever finish at the Olympic Winter Games this time around, we set a record for Winter Olympic Gold Medals... no country, whether hosting or not, has EVER won 14 Gold medals

I always thought the way they did the medal tally was a bit weird, with a bronze or silver worth as much as a gold. Theoretically, if we had 38 bronze medals and the Americans had 37 gold, we would "win" the Olympics... and you can be GUARANTEED that if that ever happened, the U-S would be screaming BLOODY MURDER to have changes made to the way things are counted, with gold medals worth more than silver, and silver more than bronze.
Which is why I find it mildly amusing that the Americans are going out of their way to point out to us that the number of gold medals we won doesn't matter because they "won" the Olympics,, and consequently pointing out that they "Own the Podium", not us.
If you will allow me to be slightly "un-Canadian" in my fierce patriotism and lack of humility for a moment, I would like to answer these comments by the Americans....
Dear United States of America...
Get over it! Whether or not we "owned" the podium, we "owned" you in hockey (men's AND women's)... we "owned" you in speed-skating... we "owned" you BIG TIME in women's bobsled... we also "owned" you in Figure Skating, Freestyle Skiing, Snowboard Racing... and, with your best total of 10 Gold in 2002 and our RECORD-BREAKING 14 this year, we may not "own" the WHOLE podium, but we SURE AS HELL OWN THE TOP OF IT!!!
Yours Truly North and Strongly Free,
A Proud Canadian
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